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Understanding Life Insurance Conversion: What to Expect and How to Navigate It

Key Takeaways:

  1. Life insurance conversion allows policyholders to transform term life insurance into permanent policies like whole life or universal life, providing lifelong coverage and additional benefits.
  2. Factors affecting the cost of conversion include age, the conversion amount, the type of permanent policy chosen, and the presence of conversion credits or discounts, making it essential for policyholders to assess their specific circumstances before making the decision.


Term life insurance policies provide coverage for a specified period, making them an affordable and popular choice among policyholders. However, as life circumstances change, you may find the need for lifelong coverage. In such cases, the option to convert your term policy to permanent life insurance can be a valuable solution. This article explores the concept of life insurance conversion, the types of conversions available, the conversion period, costs involved, and reasons to consider this transition.

What Is Term Life Insurance Conversion?

Term life insurance conversion involves transforming your existing term life policy into a permanent life insurance policy. This conversion typically does not require a medical exam or evidence of insurability, making it a convenient option for policyholders. While term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period (usually 10 to 30 years), it eventually expires if the policyholder is still alive. Converting your term policy allows you to transition into a permanent life insurance policy, such as whole life or universal life, which offers lifelong coverage along with additional benefits not available with term life insurance.

Types of Life Insurance Policy Conversions

When considering a policy conversion, you’ll have several options to choose from based on your needs:

  • Term to Whole Life Conversion: One of the most common conversions is transitioning from term life to whole life insurance. Whole life policies provide coverage for life, guaranteeing a death benefit, building cash value, and featuring level premiums throughout the policyholder’s lifetime.
  • Term to Universal Life Conversion: Another option is converting to universal life insurance, which also offers lifelong coverage. Universal life policies provide flexibility in premium payments and death benefits, along with a cash value component that can grow tax-deferred and potentially offer investment returns. This option provides more control over the investment component within the policy.
  • Group Term to Individual Policy Conversion: If you have life insurance through your employer as a group member and are separating from your employer, you may have the option to convert your group policy into an individual policy. Depending on your situation, you can choose to convert to another term policy or permanent insurance.

Understanding the Conversion Period

The conversion period is a critical aspect of the conversion process. It refers to the timeframe during which your current term policy allows you to convert it into a permanent policy. It’s essential to be aware of your policy’s conversion period because if you miss the deadline, you may lose the opportunity to convert it in the future. The length of the conversion period can vary depending on factors such as your age, policy type, and the insurance company’s policies and regulations.

How to Convert Term Life Insurance to Whole Life Insurance

Converting your term life insurance to whole life insurance is a straightforward process. Here are the typical steps involved:

  • Contact Your Insurance Provider: Begin by contacting your insurance agent or the insurance company directly. They will guide you through the conversion process and provide the necessary forms.
  • Review Conversion Options and Policies: Once you receive conversion options from the insurance company, carefully review them. Pay attention to factors such as the death benefit, premiums, cash value potential, and any additional riders or benefits offered. Choose the policy that best aligns with your needs.
  • Complete the Conversion Application: Fill out the conversion application provided by your insurance company. This application typically requires details about your existing policy, personal information, and the coverage amount you want to convert to the new policy.
  • Approval and Issuance: After submitting your application, the insurance company will review your information and issue a new insurance policy within a few days. In most cases, you won’t need to undergo a medical exam or provide updated evidence of insurability.

The Cost of Converting Term Life Insurance

Converting your life insurance policy from term to permanent usually results in higher premiums. Several factors can influence the cost of this conversion, including:

  • Age: Your age when you convert the policy significantly affects the cost. Generally, the older you are, the higher the premiums will be.
  • Conversion Amount: The amount you choose to convert from your term policy to the new permanent policy can impact premiums. Converting the full value of the term policy can be more expensive than expected, especially if you initially obtained the term policy at a younger age.
  • Type of Permanent Policy: The choice between whole life and universal life insurance will also affect your premiums. Whole life insurance typically has higher premiums than universal life insurance. Review the premium amounts for different policy types and select one that fits your budget.
  • Conversion Credits and Discounts: Some insurance companies offer conversion credits or discounts to incentivize policyholders to convert their term policies. These credits can help offset the increase in premiums associated with the conversion. Check with your insurance provider to see if such credits or discounts are available.

Reasons to Consider Term Life Insurance Conversion

There are several compelling reasons why policyholders may consider converting their term life insurance policy:

  • Change in Health Condition: If your health has deteriorated since you initially purchased your term policy, converting it to a permanent policy may be a wise choice. Conversion typically does not require a medical exam or evidence of insurability, ensuring you can obtain coverage even with health changes.
  • Providing for Dependents: Life is unpredictable, and your coverage needs may evolve over time. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to provide for dependents beyond the initial term of your policy, converting to a permanent policy can ensure your loved ones are adequately protected.
  • Taking Care of Outstanding Debts: If you have unpaid debts that will persist after your term policy expires, converting to a permanent policy can provide the necessary coverage to prevent your loved ones from shouldering significant financial responsibilities upon your passing.
  • Desire for Cash Value and Investment Options: Permanent policies, such as whole and universal life insurance, offer cash value accumulation and potential investment returns. These policies allow your money to grow safely, providing additional financial security.
  • Estate Planning and Legacy: Life insurance serves as a valuable financial tool for estate planning. Whether you aim to transfer wealth tax-free, prepare for estate taxes, or leave an annuity for a loved one, permanent life insurance policies can address these needs effectively.

Alternatives to Term Life Insurance Conversion

While converting your term life insurance to a permanent policy is a suitable choice for many, it may not be the right option for everyone. Here are some alternatives to consider:

  • Renewing Your Term Policy: If you still require life insurance coverage but are not ready to commit to a permanent policy, you can choose to renew your term policy. Keep in mind that premiums typically increase with each renewal, as age is a significant factor in premium calculations.
  • Purchasing a New Term Policy: If your current policy no longer aligns with your goals, buying a new term policy that better suits your needs might be a better option than conversion. This allows you to customize your coverage according to your current circumstances.
  • Exploring Other Insurance Options: Depending on your specific needs, consider alternative insurance products such as final expense insurance, burial insurance, or long-term care insurance. These policies are designed for specific use cases and may offer the peace of mind you seek.

In conclusion, converting your term life insurance policy into a permanent one provides flexibility and extended protection, adapting to changes in your life circumstances and offering lifelong coverage. Understanding the conversion process, including the absence of a medical exam and the variety of available options, empowers policyholders to make informed decisions about their insurance choices. Remember to review your policy, contact your insurance provider, and assess your current and future needs to determine if term life insurance conversion is the right path for you.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 4022508277

Carl Wyllie is an advisor focused in areas of Medicare, retirement, estate planning, and crisis planning. Carl works with individuals of all ages in planning for their retirement. He is uniquely effective in building working relationships between their families and elder care law attorneys to assist them in avoiding a healthcare crisis. Carl is particularly sensitive to helping provide the means for his clients to maintain their independence and dignity when a change in their health occurs due to the natural aging process.

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Carl wyllie

Carl Wyllie is an advisor focused in areas of Medicare, retirement, estate planning, and crisis planning. Carl works with individuals of all ages in planning for their retirement. He is uniquely effective in building working relationships between their families and elder care law attorneys to assist them in avoiding a healthcare crisis. Carl is particularly sensitive to helping provide the means for his clients to maintain their independence and dignity when a change in their health occurs due to the natural aging process.

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