Upon retirement, you are given the option of receiving a monthly annuity for the life of one individual (yourself) or payments that cover your own life and the life of a spouse. The payout may be higher and shorter or lower and longer, depending on your choice. Although the option may be pretty straightforward for a single individual, deciding as a couple is more complicated. Ultimately, once you have made your choice of a retirement payment plan, there is no backtracking. As a brief overview, a single-life annuity is more of a solo coverage option, whereas joint-and-survivor annuities cover a couple. Benefits of Single-Life Annuities Single-life annuities shouldn’t be confused with single-life payments from lifetime income riders. Beneficiaries do not receive a death benefit from a single-life annuity. The single-life annuity policyholder receives higher payments during their retirement years, and it ends upon death without a benefit paid out to anyone. Benefits of Joint-and-Survivor Annuities Joint-and-survivor annuities serve as more of an immediate annuity and provide guaranteed payments throughout the lives of the policyholder and their spouse. Compared to a single-life annuity, joint-and-survivor annuities provide payments for a more extended period at a lower rate. A beneficiary will receive a lump sum at a lower percentage upon the policyholder’s death. Additionally, the estate tax required is reduced after an annuitant die.
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Email: dante@credkeeper.com
Phone: 8777993433
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